How to start pregancny yoga at home

Firstly, and most importantly… don’t put pressure on yourself!! If it feels like a chore then maybe it isn’t the right day for yoga and that is ok. However, what I would like to emphasise is that a little bit of yoga can make a very big difference to how you feel.

An at home yoga practice can be a lovely addition to your pregnancy journey, as some days the thought of getting dressed and going out is too much. Also, you are going through a huge amount of change, so it can be very comforting to practice yoga in your own familiar settings. And the best bit… it really doesn’t take a lot to start an at home practice, you can even stay in your pyjamas!

As a yoga teacher, who runs classes from my own studio, why am I encouraging you to practice at home? It’s simple, I want you to feel great, to feel connected and to feel empowered. Yoga at home will help your practice and it will compliment any studio yoga you do. I take huge pride in the local community here at Yo Mamas and you can’t get that from solely practicing at home, but if you can squeeze in both then you are winning!

So here are a few tips for starting pregnancy yoga at home


Whether you are a beginner to yoga or an experienced yogi starting a yoga practice at home can be challenging.

This is because there are many distractions at home, a to do list, and often you create excuses as to why you can’t practice! So if you can,

create a little schedule for yourself and set aside time to get on your mat. You will then start to notice how it becomes part of your routine. Notice how you feel on the days you do practice, compared to the days or weeks you don’t. If you are interested in some of the many benefits of yoga during pregnancy then you can read more here.


Don't set yourself unrealistic expectations.

If you have loads on, and you try to fit in a 50 minute practice, you will not complete it. So instead pick a flow that can be done quickly. Leave judgment behind and just do what you can do. Even 5 minutes can make a huge difference.


Where will you be practicing yoga?

Make the space feel nice. It doesn’t matter if the room or area you practice in has other uses, but you can still ensure it feels good. Perhaps rolling out your mat in advance, the night before a morning flow? Or setting up some candles if its evening. A yoga mat isn’t completely necessary to move your body however sometimes the ritual of rolling out your mat is part of your acceptance to self-care and to dedicate the time for yourself.


You will come up against resistance.

Try to keep going, not by pushing yourself on days you feel rubbish, but listening to what your body needs. This is where the beauty lies, especially during pregnancy. Trusting your intuition and responding to what you need. If you don't feel like that particular flow, then pick something else, or just go and sit on your mat for those chosen minutes, this is still precious time for you and your baby.

The mind and your life will come up with lots of distractions and excuses, the challenging part is overcoming the mind chatter and committing to yourself and your practice. Learning how to connect with your breath, body and mind to bring clarity, focus and strength.

What do I do.

Listen to your body, move in a way that feels good.

It sounds simple right?

Well it can still be overwhelming if you have limited yoga experience, therefore I would recommend following pregnancy yoga videos online. This will give you guidance and then when you feel more confident you might enjoy self-practice.

I have created a series of videos on demand for each of your trimesters, you can take a look at Yo Mamas at Home here. There is something for everyone depending on your gestation, energy levels and mood, as all can vary dramatically!

Goodluck and I would love to hear how you get on!

Laura xxx


My pregnancy must haves!