Benefits of Hypnobirthing

Are you pregnant and starting to navigating your birth preparation, wondering if Hypnobirthing is right for you? Perhaps you are ensure what the benefits are? Maybe you are interested but your birth partner is unsure? Well look no further, as here you can read some of the main benefits of Hypnobirthing, written by Zara, founder of ‘Connected Mother & Baby’.

pregnant lady holding bump


Hypnobirthing reduces fear.

If you are feeling nervous or worried about giving birth, it is no wonder...the images we are exposed to on television, films and the media show birth to be risky, painful and something that needs to be ‘managed’.  This causes us to fear birth and to doubt in our body's innate ability. Our subconscious mind absorbs all of this information and stores it as a protective mechanism.

This understanding is fundamental to Hypnobirthing because your mind triggers the production of certain hormones. During pregnancy, labour and birth these hormones can either interfere with and hinder your body's physiology OR support and enhance it.

Hypnobirthing teaches tools that help to clear the negative beliefs we store around birth and replace them with positive ones. When your mind trusts that your body can birth your baby and that birth is safe, you can relax into the process. The positive hormones of labour can then flow and everything works more efficiently.

Nervous system.

Hypnobirthing helps to regulate your nervous system.

Hypnobirthing teaches a variety of tools that can be used to regulate your nervous system, keeping you in a calm and relaxed state. From this space of calm and safety, your muscles relax allowing the body to work in the way it was designed, to move your baby down and out into your arms. The techniques work beautifully alongside prenatal yoga, lets not forget your breath is an extremely powerful tool!


Hypnobirthing builds trust in your body

Our bodies are truly incredible! During our Hypnobirthing course you will learn all about the female reproductive system, how the muscles and hormones work during the process of birth. When you understand the intricacies of the systems that we have in place, you can begin to appreciate how your biology is already designed to support you and your baby during labour and birth. With this knowledge you will gain confidence in your body and trust in your ability to birth your baby. You can also plan to work with your physiology to support the magnificent process of birth. 


Hypnobirthing supports you to make informed decisions.

You and your birth partner will learn how to be an active participant in your baby's birth. You should be at the centre of all decisions made around your care; this is your body, your baby and your choice. You will feel confident that the decisions made during birth are your own and that they come from a place of knowledge and power rather than fear. You will learn how to ask questions, advocate for yourself, make informed decisions, be ready to navigate any unexpected turns calmly and with confidence.


Hypnobirthing enhances partner connection and support.

Preparing for birth together is an amazing way to deepen your connection as parents-to-be. Hypnobirthing is designed to equip your birth partner with the knowledge and skills to nurture and support you throughout pregnancy and birth. Rather than feeling like a helpless bystander, the birth partner will have practical tools that can be used to provide physical and emotional support and be your advocate.

home birth with gas and air

You can read here about how Laura used Hypnobirthing for all three of her births.

Hypnobirthing is beneficial for all types of birth; be that a homebirth, a hospital birth or a planned caesarean. The wisdom and confidence that you will gain from the course will support you throughout pregnancy and birth, as well as the transition into parenthood.

If you feel called to Hypnobirthing, I would love to support you on your journey to a positive and empowered birth.

We have a group course starting end of February at Yo studio so come and join us!

Zara xxx

Connected Mother & Baby


My pregnancy must haves!


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